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You’re reading this post on a brand spankin’ new website! Launched in late June of 2021, the new bedroomforrent.com在读者(和工作人员)皇冠8868会员登录访问和使用皇冠大全买球信息方面达到了所有的高峰.

The old bedroomforrent.com was built many many years ago, 最近的一次“改头换面”发生在2015年冬天,在我们旧的(但当时是新的)栗色“Into It”标志发布之后. The old natronacountylibrary.Org是在大多数用户通过移动设备访问网站之前建立的, 早在我们提供许多数字和皇冠8868会员登录之前,这些资源已经成为今天的主要内容. Need a reminder of how bad it was? Here’s the old homepage:

In 2020, we realized it was finally time for something new and more functional; but you can’t just take what we had, slap some new colors on it, and call it good. We had to start from scratch. And if you’re going to do a major overhaul, it’s a good time to revisit other things, like branding, logo, colors, imagery, and more.

So that’s where we began. 今年年初,我们得到了当地一家创意机构的帮助, LUM Studio, to tackle the project. It started with an evaluation of our current brand, and an assessment of what we wanted out of something new. Learn more about the rebrand here.

我们的旧网站非常缺乏图像,尤其是皇冠大全买球本身的图片和图像. LUM helped us source a local photographer 在两个不同的场合来到皇冠大全买球,捕捉让这个地方如此美妙的一切——人们, the technology, the comfy reading spaces, the books and collection items, our Creation Station makerspace, storytimes, programs, and so much more. 许多照片现在在整个网站上流动,这样你就可以在踏入皇冠大全买球之前看到这个空间. With quality photography of our library, people, and services, it was time to start the heavy lifting with the website.

我们与LUM的网页开发人员一起讨论了我们对新网站的希望和梦想. 我们有3个主要优先事项:1)一个响应式网站,在浏览器和移动设备上都能很好地工作, 2)整合我们的活动管理软件,以便顾客能够看到我们计划的一切, as SOON as we plan it, 3)一个直观的导航,这样访问者就可以在需要的时候找到他们需要的东西.

Mobile Friendly

你知道我们网站超过40%的访问者是通过移动设备浏览的吗? 它可以是智能手机、平板电脑、电子书阅读器或许多其他选择. That’s nearly half! 我们的旧网站有一个笨拙的移动体验,这肯定是后来才想到的. There was a menu that didn’t even work on the old site, and one that covered up the Library’s logo by accident. We considered that pretty unacceptable, 所以这意味着我们的新网站必须以“手机优先”的心态来设计, meaning that the imagery, content, widgets, 在我们考虑皇冠8868会员登录在浏览器上运行之前,其他元素需要在移动设备上运行得很好. 看看你手机上的新网站,让我们知道我们是否完成了这一点!

Events Front and Center

我们使用一个叫做Libcal的内部软件来管理我们所有的程序, events, and space bookings; and we needed this to automatically integrate with our website in a way that published important information for our patrons as soon as possible so that you can plan your visits accordingly. You can also register for many of the programs online, cutting out a former step in the registration process. Depending on the audience, 你现在可以查看我们的节目列表基于你的年龄组-儿童/青少年, teens, 还有成年人——这样你就只能看到与你相关的东西. 您还可以按类别过滤或按日期/月份浏览, 每件事都有相关的图像,所以你知道我们在每个活动中要做什么.

How to Navigate the Site

我们的导航结构和整体网站组织在旧网站上是非常缺乏的, 我们需要找到一种更好的方式来组织我们的顾客所需的信息,让他们更容易找到. 像我们这样的公共皇冠大全买球皇冠8868会员登录对所有的东西进行分类和组织?

Simple. 我们在Natrona县皇冠大全买球的使命是提倡扫盲, education, and a thriving community. To deliver on this promise, we rely on three great resources—our staff, our collections, and our physical and virtual spaces. Those three pillars serve as the basis of our new website. 现在您可以找到所有您需要的皇冠大全买球藏品的信息, both physical and digital, under the “Borrow & More” drop-down. 我们所有的服务和节目/活动都是由我们真正了不起的员工提供的,无论是面对面的还是在线的,都是按年龄组(孩子)划分的, teens, and adults) under the “Interact” drop-down. 以及你需要知道的关于皇冠大全买球的一切——包括皇冠大全买球内可用的所有技术, our Creation Station, how to book meeting rooms, and more—is included under the “Visit” drop-down. You can get quick hitters from the “How To” drop-down, 并通过点击“皇冠大全买球故事”了解更多我们正在进行的事情(包括我们正在阅读和推荐的内容).” If you want to volunteer, donate, meet the staff, apply for a job, or give us a phone call, 滚动到页面底部,获取更多信息.

我想查一下目录,看看我们有什么书? Well, 你只需在网站顶部的搜索栏中输入关键字和短语,就可以在新网站的每个页面上进行搜索. So easy!

如果没有联合国的支持和资助,这一切都不可能实现 Natrona County Library Foundation他和我们有共同的愿景,并理解为什么这种投资是值得的.

That’s all we have for you for now. We really want to hear your thoughts on the new site, 所以请告诉我们,如果我们把它们放在一起,让你的体验愉快, easy, and cohesive. Thanks!!

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